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oiling gun中文是什么意思

用"oiling gun"造句"oiling gun"怎么读"oiling gun" in a sentence


  • 油枪


  • The application of small oil gun pulverized coal burner to the boiler in power station
  • Switch of oil gun
  • In order to improve the peak load regulation performance of boiler and decrease its consumption of oil , the burners were retrofitted by using adjustable horizontal concentrated - diluted pulverized coal burners combustion technology and small oil gun ignator
  • It is pointed out that the immersible pump - based fuelling process can realize the multi oil gun on the one pump basis under the condition of positive pressure , which makes the design of fuelling station more flexible and is a development tendency in modern fuelling station
  • Jyq serial oil gun is made in our company as large / middle - sized boiled used in power plant or each kind of pulverized oil gun designed and produced with other fueling boiler , our company can design and produce direct - tube or flexible tube - shaped oil gun under fuel parameter and boiler shape provided by user
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